It is summer, which means I have a bit of time to tackle some home improvement projects. This can either result in feelings of connection with Klaus and connection with my creative, do-it-yourself spirit (on a good day), or a litany of profanity and multiple trips to the hardware store (most days). For the past week, I have been trying to get this screw out of the wall. How can one small screw hold on so tight? I am used to fibers holding the screw tightly in place being stripped bare and no longer holding on tightly (see Widow’s Guide to Becoming a Handyman, Chapter 21). But this time, no matter what tool I try the screw won’t give way. On really dark days I think it is Klaus preventing me from finishing a project (see entire book!).
Thankfully those days are rare, and I can move forward in looking for a solution to the “Screw Holding Fast” problem. And meditate on the screw that is holding fast to the structure of my house – what am I holding on to that I no longer need?
Stay tuned and blessings,